Ever wondered if your bull is actually doing his duties? We have been analysing bull data from our tags and built an interactive bull portal so you can answer that exact question. At a glimpse, you will be able to determine if your bull is sitting under trees or socialising with the cows.
See the distance walked over time compared to other bulls. Detect injuries and exhausted bulls. Receive notifications when they haven't mOOved for a while.
See where your bulls are and how they interact with the herd. At a glimpse you will be able to determine your bull is socialising with the cows or sitting under trees.
See the performance of your bulls related to the temperature. Determine whether they have heat stress and monitor their performance under high temperatures.
See how your bulls interact with the herd and improve your understanding of your breeding stock's performance.
How long do the GPS ear tags last?
The GPS ear tags are designed to last over five years and are reusable
What's the price per tag?
Pricing information can be found here. The costs for the GPS ear tags are upfront whereas the costs for package are ongoing.
Do the GPS ear tags use 3G/4G?
No, the GPS ear tags send their data using LoRa. Only the antenna needs connection to the internet.